Tell Me Something Tuesdays #2- On Wednesday

I know I’m very late with this weeks Tell Me Something Tuesdays, but I’ve been busy setting up my blog posts for my tour.  Anyway, I really like this week’s Tell Me Something Tuesday.  The question of the week is: What is your favorite genre to read and why?

Like several of my author friends, I primarily read Young Adult/Fantasy & Paranormal.  Why?  Because it is one of the easiest genres to read.  I have to spend all day being an adult, that when I want to escape, I want to REALLY escape.  I want to learn about a character who has the opportunity to grow.

Now, that’s not to say that I have a problem with adult books.  No, no, that’s not it at all. In fact, I have some guilty pleasure books that I quite enjoy.  Some might consider them to be a bit “trashy” because of the content, but hey, I AM an adult after all lol.

I love being sucked into worlds that have magic and vampires.  It makes for a great adventure, and almost any world is better than being in this crazy, messed up world that we call “Reality.”

Well, there you have it folks, my Tell Me Something Tuesdays.

For the official list of rules, please visit Cambria Hebert’s blog

Comments are welcome and appreciated 🙂